biological solutions in a complex world
Soil Remediation
The degradation of soil contaminants under natural conditions is a slow process. Effectiveness depends on complex environmental factors. Microbial community conditions and interactions, electron donor availability, and degradation responses in the soil all determine the effectiveness of soil remediation.
EKO GEA’s Biocomplex (BCx) is a microbial growth-stimulating medium which speeds and protects this natural process. BCx offers tremendous biological ion exchange capacity, gel-like physical properties, and a unique range of organic nutrients for microbes. It creates the right environmental factors for building diverse and robust microbial populations. It allows these microbes to thrive in hostile, contaminated environments and provides the culture for effective remedial performance which is biological and green. Microbes go to work reducing hydrocarbons, heavy metals, sulphuric and nitrogeneous compounds, pathogens, and radionuclides.
Although the scientific community is far from being able to log and track the specific and complex interactions of microbial communities, is it generally accepted that diversity in the soil microbiome plays a key role in enhancing the removal of environmental pollutants. BCx promotes diversity and supports the microbes which remediate soils, making this complex range of biological tasks rapid and simple.

BCx vs. Standard Methods
Conventional soil remediation methods require removal of contaminated soils, sediment, and surface water for off-site treatment. This process incurs high costs related to both transport and thermal treatments. BCx offers an effective, low-cost, green alternative to the standard methods of solidification and thermal desorption, providing effective and simple, in situ, biological treatment.
BCx provides the ideal pre-biotic chemistry which supports microbial workers and speeds natural bio-processing in soils.
What Is BCx?
A unique extraction of marine algae in which certain fragile molecules have been isolated intact - oligosaccharides and organic acids among them. A full range of trace elements and micronutrients help feed and protect microbial function.
Ascophyllum nodosum, the raw material used to make BCx, is known for its heavy metal biosorption properties.
​Polyuronic acid provides ion-exchange capacity. This mechanism improves the soil environment whilst eliminating organic odours
​Oligosaccharies, a unique microbial food, builds healthy and robust microbial populations which perform a multitude of complex tasks:
Binds and sequesters contaminants at a molecular level
BCx-treated soils and sludges meet heavy-metal and pathogen standards.
BCx also fosters the biosorption of radioactive compounds in soil.
In situ treatment
A technological leap in soil remediation and sludge treatment, BCx is a low-cost alternative to solidification, thermal desorption, and sludge stabilisation technologies.
No special equipment required.
BCx is a simple and effective treatment which uniquely stimulates:
Bio-degredation of hydrocarbons and organics
Heavy metal bio-sorption and sequestration
Denitrification of nitrogenous compounds
Desulphurisation of hydrocarbon materials
Elimination of volatile organic compounds (VOC’s)
BCx requires no special equipment and provides the co-benefits of odour & pathogen reduction. It is applied in situ and speeds the natural attenuation processes of soil microbiology.