Welcome to the New World of Anaerobic Digestion
EKOGEA's breakthrough process for AD and biogas production
If your goals are maximising biogas for energy, reducing waste and lorry loads, or generating rich fertiliser for crop vitality, EKOGEA provides a full range of solutions.
3 proprietary technologies make this AD performance possible:
A mechanical pre-treatment which micronises waste for faster, more complete digestion
Emulsifies, liquefies and disperses nutrients for easy consumption by microbes
Optional mechanical concentrator treatment provides solids-separation before or after AD.
Biocomplex – the ideal prebiotic.
Our proprietary additive builds vast populations of diverse anaerobic microbial populations; feeds and protects anaerobic “workers”
Ion exchange – essential for sound AD and something no other process offers. Provides immediate Hâ‚‚S & ammonia reduction and buffers free ion inhibitors.
Ideal nutrient profile for microbes – oligosaccharides and a full range of trace elements support the growth of vast microbial “worker” populations
Physical gelation property in BCx disperses nutrients in digesters, further supporting microbial proliferation, creating small, healthy colonies over large, metabolite-toxified colonies.
Our proprietary biomedia is natural stone which houses and holds microbes in a fixed film (unlike conventional digesters which give up important microbes with every digestate release).
Biomedia is self-cleaning; never needs re-charging or replacement. It increases AD efficiencies and reduces retention times and tank size requirements.
The result is AD which is smaller, faster, greener, and highly stable. If you could look inside our digesters and compare them to conventional processes:

Combined with robust engineering, sound microbiology is at the heart of everything we do.
Sound microbiology. Solid Engineering.

EKO GEA digester
Conventional digester
biological solutions in a complex world

Flexibility. EKOGEA's process enhances the digestion process to fully clean waste, or halt the process to provide highest-quality NPK nutrients for land application - all on a sliding scale - depending on what is desired, when.
Speed. A 12-day process at mesophilic temperatures, or an 8-day process at thermophilic, our system dramatically reduces retention time. This means smaller tanks and lower capital costs.
More energy. Our complete process makes biogas at 80+% methane - unprecedented in the industry. More methane = more profit!
No organic digestate. If the headaches of digestate storage, transport and marketing is your issue, our process can digest organic content down to a very small amount of completely mineralised, sand-like material which requires no further treatment.
Clean water. Effluent from our complete process is grey water suitable for direct release to watercourses, irrigation or re-use. Full cleaning and waste elimination is a genuine option.
Nutrient retention. Farmers wishing to retain NPK nutrients have the flexibility to retain fertiliser for land application.
Hâ‚‚S and ammonia reduction. Biological ion exchange capacity provides immediate ammonia and Hâ‚‚S reduction, paving the way for microbial health, the proper breakdown of organics into microbial food, and the production of methane by microbes. Ion exchange optimises AD.

Benefits of EKOGEA's process:
Less feedstock with more energy output
Increased biogas quality - negligible Hâ‚‚S, higher methane content
Increased biogas quantity - more biogas output than currently-available processes
Converts any organic waste - even challenging feedstock like chicken manure and sewage sludge
Flexibility - mechanical treatment options for concentrating liquid waste, nutrient retention, and full wastewater treatment
The Future is NOW!
"In the future, a “fixed film” digester may be available. In this type of system, a digester is filled with a medium such as rocks or plastic mesh. The medium acts as a resting and growing place for the bacteria. Many bacteria, instead of being flushed out with the effluent, remain attached to the medium inside the digester. By retaining the bacteria within the fixed film digester, bacteria can consume more organic matter than in standard digesters. Therefore, in a short period, a smaller, fixed film digester can treat the same amount of organic matter and produce the same quantity of biogas as a larger, standard, digester. The retention time in a fixed film digester potentially can be reduced from twenty to between one and three days, significantly reducing digester volume and cost."
Penn State University Agricultural and Biological Engineering Fact Sheet, G77
EKOGEA provides the future... NOW
making complex simple

More methane: EKO GEA’s BCx breaks down organic compounds into simple organic acids. This feeds methanogen microbial populations over acid-forming populations, promoting methane production. Ion exchange capacity in BCx plays a key role.
Nutrient Retention and Management
...on a sliding scale when fertiliser nutrients are needed for crops
More Methane