biological solutions in a complex world

Destroys hydrocarbons without the use of chemicals and the additional problems that chemicals cause when introduced into ecosystems.
Uniquely provides immediate biological ion exchange which breaks down sulphur compounds.
Provides unique oligosaccharides, organic acids, and trace elements which comprehensively and simultaneously feed and protect the microbes which do the work.
Microbes bioaugment heavy metals​
Reacts immediately and continues working in the ecosystem.
Ideal for marine applications - bilge water, oil spill cleanup, yachting kitchen FOG elimination
Hydrocarbon Cleaning:
EKO GEA’s unique biological additive, BCx, breaks down hydrocarbons and destroys oil on an elemental level - reducing the hydrocarbon molecules into H2O + CO2. EKO GEA’s biology provides multiple functions in the ecological cleaning process:
Marine Safety
Beyond being safe for marine life, BCx actually supports and sustains marine life, enhances beneficial plankton and diatom growth - an important food source for marine life.
Oil spills and wildlife: BCx is easily applied to oil spills via spray from boats or planes and can be applied directly on birds and mammals for effective and safe cleaning of fur and feathers - no rinsing required.